

FOM Technologies project participation

At FOM, we strive to be part of projects that constantly help push the boundaries within the slot-die coating community, below are the current projects we are actively participating in.


General information

Quality monitoring system for roll-to-roll fabricated functional surfaces and multilayer structures

Project Acronym: QualSurf
Grant no.: E2897 Eureka Eurostar

Innovation Fund Denmark

Project Coordinator: Moises Espindola,, FOM Technologies
Project Duration: 1st August 2023 – 31st July 2026 (36 months)

Employing a new, fast characterization method based on scattered light, we will develop a machine module that enables non-destructive, in-line optical imaging of electronic thin films and functional surfaces, employing a spectrally sensitive camera-based technique capable of real-time product quality monitoring at several m/min.
The module will be applied to organic photovoltaic panels in combination with antireflective surface structures. This use case requires the ability to measure:

  • layer thicknesses
  • bulk optical and surface scattering properties

After the project ends, the metrology module compatible with R2R manufacturing machinery will strengthen Europe’s industrial manufacturing value chain.

Members of the consortium



FOM Technologies A/S

FOM Technologies, a Nasdaq-listed company, is a manufacturer of cutting-edge sheet, roll, and R2R coating machines and equipment that bridges the gap between R&D machines and pilot lines. FOM partners globally with the world’s top universities and knowledge providers to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by enabling researchers, scientists, and professionals to discover, develop, and commercialize new functional materials.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Private for-profit entity

Moises Espindola Rodriguez is a Ph.D. Senior Scientific Consultant at FOM. He is the Project Coordinator of QualSurf and has a scientific background and documented experience in chemical routes and vacuum techniques to deposit semiconductors and other advanced materials. At FOM, he trains, teaches, and advises customers on the use of FOM machines.

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Martin Kiener is the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at FOM Technologies. He coordinates the long-term partnership with top companies and world-renowned researchers, bridging the gap between the two worlds with innovations in products, services, and technologies offered by FOM.


Matteo Ciambezi is a Ph.D. R/D Scientist at FOM. His expertise lies in using advanced scientific methods to study how different materials behave in controlled environments and creating tools for analyzing and enhancing functional materials, particularly those processed through solutions.

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DTU Energy

The DTU Department of Energy Conversion and Storage does research on a number of sustainable technologies. Supporting the green transition by making it possible to convert and store energy from sustainable sources.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Higher or Secondary Education Establishment

Jens Wenzel Andreasen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1969. He graduated with an M.Sc. in geology from the University of Copenhagen in 2000 and received his PhD degree in chemistry from the Technical University of Denmark in 2005.

He is currently a Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage. He has previously worked as a Senior Researcher at the Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy in Roskilde, Denmark. He has authored or co-authored 128 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and one book chapter in Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers: Structural and Soft Matter Aspects. Knaapila, M. (ed.). World Scientific, p. 159-174 (Materials and Energy, Vol. 9), 2017. His research interests include the atomic to mesoscale structure of materials for sustainable energy as well as their dynamical coupling to electronic structure.

Prof. Andreasen is a member of the International Union of Crystallography and the American Crystallographic Association. He has until recently held a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) and has coordinated an Innovative Training Network. Currently, he coordinates a Doctoral Network under the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions.

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Abdelouadoud Mammeri

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DFM is the Danish national metrological institute and possesses the highest level of measurement competencies in Denmark within a range of key measurement capabilities. The services offered are high-level measurements, calibrations,injection-molded and reference materials traceable to national primary or reference standards, courses related to metrology, and consultancy services. DFM has more than 10 years of experience with optical scatterometry for the characterization of nanostructures, including roll-to-roll embossed and injection molded polymer materials with nanostructured surfaces.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Knowledge provider

Søren Alkærsig Jensen is a Senior Scientist at DFM working with optical scattering and imaging of roll-to-roll fabricated materials. Søren’s background is in optical spectroscopy of photovoltaic materials.

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Astrid T. Rømer, PhD is a senior scientist at DFM working with light-based characterization methods with the aim of pushing the limits for accurate measurements of materials and nanoscale structures.

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Søren A. R. Kynde




ISCENT is pioneering in bringing mass-produced, sustainable optical effects and textures to consumer packages, printed products, and specialties. ISCENT generates nano and micro designs on different base materials by roll-to-roll technique to produce optical features directly on flexible plastics, paper, and labels.

Region: Finland
Activity type: Private for-profit entity

Raimo Korhonen, Doctor of Technology, partner, and project manager at Iscent, coordinates strategic customer and R&D projects to develop micro- and nanopatterning technologies for serving advanced customer needs.  Korhonen has long experience in Printed Intelligence technologies at VTT Technical Research Center of Finland.


Information, objectives and work package

Quality monitoring system for roll-to-roll fabricated functional surfaces and multilayer structures (QualSurf)

By improving the performance of R2R-manufactured photovoltaics and simultaneously developing a method for real-time quality control at the fabrication line, the proposed project will contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Cheap and efficient photovoltaic solar cells made from abundant organic material in a high volume R2R production would have the potential to provide affordable, clean energy in less developed parts of the world.

R2R slot-die coating with in-line characterization capabilities will be a state-of-the-art R&D and industrial tool to manufacture new products such as solar cells based on organic and perovskite-type materials, supercapacitors, batteries, and other advanced materials. It will contribute to providing clean energy to some of the 759 million people lacking electricity today.

The research achievements to be done with the products and process resulting from this project will have the potential to substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030 (Target 7.2). We foresee the characterization equipment from this project will help to double the global rate of efficiency improvement in energy harvesting and storage technologies by 2030(Target 7.3).

The advances in printing technology and in-line quality control that will result from this project will contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. The high-tech products resulting from this project will fuel the economic recovery and accelerate the rate of development and commercialization of new products. In particular, the characterization equipment will enhance scientific research and upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, encouraging innovation and increasing the number of research and development workers (Target 9.5).

By 2030, the products and processes resulting from this project will be widely known by academics and researchers in private companies. R2R slot-die coating with optical characterization equipment represents an upgrade to the current existing industrial infrastructure, and it will retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes (T9.4)

The coordinated work of FOM, DTU, DFM, and Iscent will contribute to scientific/innovative breakthroughs, enabling solutions that contribute to solving challenges for climate, the environment, and nature in Europe and globally.

QualSurf Objective

Develop a machine module that enables non-destructive, in-line optical characterization of electronic thin films and functional surfaces, employing a spectrally sensitive camera-based technique capable of real-time monitoring of product quality at several m/min.
Sub objectives:

  1. Validate thickness measurement of transparent and semitransparent thin films using the new technology
  2. Develop the hardware and software for the acquisition of angular resolved spectral images
  3. Demonstration of in-line (real-time) thickness measurement monitoring in functional foils
  4. Demonstrate the optimization of R2R processes.
  5. Test the new metrology module with selected stakeholders for improvements.

QualSurf Work packages

WP 1: Process development and fabrication of optical characterization equipment
WP 2: Application of in-line characterization tool to R2R embossing of AR surfaces
WP 3: Implementation of in-line characterization in organic photovoltaic fabrication line
WP 4: Management, Marketing & Dissemination

Prototypes to be tested in realistic scenarios


Calendar of events organized within the framework of the project

04/August/2023 – In-person kick-off meeting- DTU
08/September/2023 – In-person first monthly meeting-DFM
TBD – In-person general meeting

Information about the results as Public deliverables and Scientific Papers

Public Deliverables
D1.2: Report describing film thickness measurements (May 2024)
D2.3: A functional foil for PV integration (July 2025)
D4.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan (December 2023)
D4.3 Dissemination and communication report (July 2026)
D4.4 Final project event/stakeholders workshop (July 2026)

Scientific Publications

Addressing and contact information

Project Coordinator
Moises Espindola, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Consultant
+45 52 10 89 02

FOM Technologies
Bryggergården 2-12
2770 Kastrup
Tel: +45 88 70 89 00

Acknowledgment and reference to the funding agencies

FOM – This work is partly funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) under File no. 3109-00023B, Eureka Eurostars project E2897 QualSurf.

DTU – This work is partly funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) under File no. 3109-00024B, Eureka Eurostars project E2897 QualSurf.

DFM – This work is partly funded by The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) under File no. 3109-00025B, Eureka Eurostars project E2897 QualSurf.

Iscent – This work is partly funded by Business Finland under File no. 1740680-8, Eureka Eurostars project E2897 QualSurf.

Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of Eureka Eurostars nor Innovationsfonden. Neither Eureka Eurostars nor Innovationsfonden cannot be held responsible for them.


General information

The pilot line for European production of perovskite-silicon tandem modules on an industrial scale

PEPPERONI was set up to support Europe in reaching its renewable energy targets. PEPPERONI will help advance perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics (PV) technology’s journey towards market introduction and mass manufacturing.

The project will identify and address the barriers to tandem solar technology’s market introduction. It ultimately lays the foundations for the fast implementation of new European production capacity as a cost-effective and resource-efficient solution to decarbonize the energy system.

A pilot line enabling this development will be established in Thalheim, Germany, with the long-term vision of helping European industrial leadership on PV production in the global market.

Read more on the website:

Addressing and contact information

Project Manager
César Omar Ramírez Quiroz, Ph.D.
Sen. Scientist R/D
+45 44 12 27 52

FOM Technologies
Bryggergården 2-12
2770 Kastrup
Tel: +45 88 70 89 00

Acknowledgment and reference to the funding agencies

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101084251.

Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, which can not be held responsible for them.


General information

The highly improved solar technology represented by full perovskite tandem cells will contribute to the European transition to clean energy by offering the energy market and the users a scalable, low CO2 footprint photovoltaic technology.

The primary research works focus on the development of highly efficient two-terminal tandem cells and modules based on complementary metal-halide perovskite absorbers.

SuPerTandem project team uses and develops sustainable and earth-abundant perovskite absorber materials, ancillary materials, and scalable large-area manufacturing processes to create novel, affordable, and environmentally friendly photovoltaic technology.

The project aims to establish low-cost and large-area fabrication technology to manufacture flexible, free-form photovoltaic cells.

At the end of this 3-year-long project, there will be up-scalable designs and manufacturing technologies for 2-terminal tandem cells and modules on flexible substrates using solution-processed perovskite absorber layers with efficiencies above 30 %.

Read more on the website:

Addressing and contact information

Project Manager
César Omar Ramírez Quiroz, Ph.D.
Sen. Scientist R/D
+45 44 12 27 52

FOM Technologies
Bryggergården 2-12
2770 Kastrup
Tel: +45 88 70 89 00

Acknowledgment and reference to the funding agencies

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075605.

Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, which can not be held responsible for them.


General information

The core vision of the BATMACHINE project is centered on strengthening Europe’s battery cell industrial manufacturing value chain by developing new battery cell manufacturing machinery. This is done whilst giving priority to minimizing the energy for cell production, enhancing plant efficiency rates, and integrating intelligent control processes to reduce scrap.

In BATMACHINE, FOM will design, source, and fabricate in Europe two of the most essential items in the battery fabrication process chain:

  • Roll-to-roll slot-die cathode and anode coating and drying novel machinery and,
  • Calendaring tool

Both are to be tested by battery manufacturers for validation and improvements.

Moreover, intelligent control processes and Industry 4.0 will be intensively integrated by creating a collaborative and FAIR data space for battery production. Digital interfaces between battery manufacturing equipment, control systems, and engineers will be developed with the aim of building universal digitalization tools to enhance battery production and create a battery passport. The environmental and economic impact of different machinery, production line configurations, and factory designs will be deeply studied to reduce the cost and energy consumption of manufacturing processes.

Read more on the website:

Addressing and contact information

Project Manager and WP4 Leader
Moises Espindola, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Consultant
+45 52 10 89 02

FOM Technologies
Bryggergården 2-12
2770 Kastrup
Tel: +45 88 70 89 00

Acknowledgment and reference to the funding agencies

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101104246.

Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, which can not be held responsible for them.

MissionBooster Project

General information

In-line characterization system to improve the quality and reproducibility of slot-die-coated polymer electrolyte membranes.

Grant no.: 2122-00062B

Innovation Fund Denmark

Project Coordinator: Moises Espindola,, FOM Technologies
Project Duration: 1st September 2023 – 31st August 2025 (24 months)

R2R slot-die coater users have demonstrated they can prepare polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells 100 times faster than traditionally cast membranes. A real-time R2R-compatible membrane characterization tool is not currently available on the market. In this project, FOM will gain the know-how to develop such a characterization tool.

Given the low OPEX of R2R machines, high production capacity, the additive manufacturing possibilities of slot-die coating, its versatility, and the need to mass-produce electrolyzer units in the coming years, FOM is the supplier of choice for membrane production machinery, offering a complementing but necessary in-line characterization system.

The system will accelerate the research development and innovation on polymer electrolyte membranes, facilitating the mass production of fuel cells and electrolyzer units for Power-to-X processes while contributing to faster efficiency improvements. All of these are key action points in the roadmap for green and competitive H2 production.

Members of the consortium



FOM Technologies A/S

FOM Technologies aims to develop competencies in the in-line characterization of polymer electrolyte membranes for Power-to-X technologies.

Supported by the expertise in polymer electrolyte membrane fabrication, characterization, and testing at DTU Energy and the knowhow in light scattering for quality control in R2R processes of DFM, we will implement a characterization system capable of quantitative real-time characterization of critical polymer electrolyte membrane parameters during fabrication.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Private for-profit entity

Moises Espindola Rodriguez is a Ph.D. Senior Scientific Consultant at FOM. Moises has a scientific background and documented experience in chemical routes and vacuum techniques to deposit semiconductors and other advanced materials. At FOM, he trains, teaches, and advises customers on the use of FOM machines.

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DTU Energy

The DTU Department of Energy Conversion and Storage does research on a number of sustainable technologies. Supporting the green transition by making it possible to convert and store energy from sustainable sources.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Higher or Secondary Education Establishment



DFM is the Danish national metrological institute and possesses the highest level of measurement competencies in Denmark within a range of key measurement capabilities. The services offered are high-level measurements, calibrations, and reference materials traceable to national primary or reference standards, courses related to metrology, and consultancy services. DFM has more than 10 years of experience with optical scatterometry for the characterization of nanostructures, including roll-to-roll embossed and injection-molded polymer materials with nanostructured surfaces.

Region: Denmark
Activity type: Knowledge provider

Addressing and contact information

Project Coordinator
Moises Espindola, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Consultant
+45 52 10 89 02

FOM Technologies
Bryggergården 2-12
2770 Kastrup
Tel: +45 88 70 89 00

Acknowledgment and reference to the funding agencies

FOM – This work is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) under File no. 2122-00062B.


Innovation Fund Denmark

Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of Innovationsfonden. Innovationsfonden can not be held responsible for them.

Get to know slot-die coating

In this brochure, you will get an introduction to slot-die coating, learn about film thickness control and film quality control, and find some of the R&D benefits of slot-die coating. Download our Technology brochure (PDF) by filling in the form below.
FOM Technologies - Technology brochure