FOM Technologies delivers on growth targets from IPO. Expects expansion of the organisation of approx. 50% within 6 months
FOM Technologies has delivered on the growth targets investors were promised at the company’s listing in the summer of 2020. The company will now speed up the expansion of the organizational platform and expects to expand the organization by approx. 50% within the next 6 months.
As soon as the summer holiday is over, FOM Technologies will further step up the hunt for team-based star players in all core disciplines of operations. This applies to Finance, Sales, Production, R/D, HR as well as PR/Marketing and IR, CEO of FOM Technologies Michael Stadi states: “Listed companies on Nasdaq First North have undergone a lot of publicity over the past 12 months. In essence, investors, other stakeholders and the press have demanded a higher degree of fulfilment of the growth promises made to investors. of the companies at listing. In FOM we are proud of and satisfied with our own performance to date. In addition, as we are optimistic about the future commercial potential, we want to strengthen the organization to continue our journey and achieve our long-term growth goals”.
This investor news will not change the 2022 financial guidance for turnover and EBITDA, as the employments will be with effect in later part of the financial year 2022.