Danish Patent & Trademark office awards another patent to FOM Technologies’ 51% owned subsidiary.

FOM Technologies’ 51% owned subsidiary MLMC Therapeutics has been granted another process patent using slot-die coating, thereby paving the future way for FOM Technologies to provide equipment for development of new ground-breaking manufacturing of medicine.

The 51% owned subsidiary MLMC Therapeutics has been granted yet another patent method for manufacturing of multi-layered microstructures, that could be used for development and optimized manufacturing of future medicine.

CEO of FOM Technologies Michael Stadi explains: “As FOM Technologies’ core business is not to develop medicine, we have chosen to establish a separate subsidiary for this purpose, while bringing external senior pharmaceutical experts into the subsidiary’s ownership and board. A separate legal entity (MLMC Therapeutics ApS) gives us an opportunity to focus on Slot-die coating in the parent company (FOM Technologies A / S), while we have created a platform for future development of medical manufacturing methods in the subsidiary.”