U.S. Government – Department of Energy awards FOM Technologies a contract for Slot Die coating equipment for R/D of future solar power and energy storage technology. The machine will be located
at the Argonne National Laboratory, which operates the national science research for U.S. Department
of Energy.
CEO Michael Stadi states. “It’s an outstanding achievement of a tiny Danish SME to be awarded a technology supplier contract by the U.S. Government. The contract is a major seal of approval of our long-term effort to provide high technology equipment to enable clean energy material research. As with all our customers, we’ll make sure that the science team of Argonne National Laboratory, will get all our support and insight to our technology to create a long-term relationship.”
Argonne National Laboratory is a World-leading science and engineering facility. Founded in 1942 at the backdrop of the Manhattan Project as the first US National Laboratory it is now operated by the University of Chicago Argonne LLC for the United States Department of Energy. By 2021 Argonne NL will be home to the Aurora, the first exascale supercomputer in the US. The facility is located in Lemont, Illinois, outside of Chicago, and is the largest national laboratory by size and scope in the Midwest.
For more information, please visit: www.anl.gov